Jan 14, 2021
The lifestyle of a funeral director is like no other. The rewards and challenges of this profession are unique, to say the least. Outsiders sometimes find it hard to grasp why one is called to work in funeral service and often hold many incorrect assumptions. For these reasons, funeral directors value relationships they have with others who work in the death care profession. Whether spending time together in person or socializing online, funeral directors gain a lot from conversing with one another about their work. These relationships are often fostered by shared humor, knowledgeable advice, and helpful recommendations.
We understand that your colleagues in funeral service best understand the challenges you face as a funeral director. ASD has hundreds of blog posts that describe the different ways our funeral home exclusive answering service can make your life easier. However, in this multi-part blog series, we wanted to let your contemporaries do the talking. Recently, we asked some of our clients to share why their funeral home uses ASD. Their answers summarize better than we ever could what funeral directors can gain when they begin a relationship with our company.
Click here for Part 1 of our Client Perspectives Series
Click here for Part 2 of our Client Perspectives Series
Click here for Part 3 of our Client Perspectives Series
4 Funeral Directors Explain Why They Chose ASD
Crystal Martens of Swift Current Funeral Home in Saskatchewan, Canada
ASD Client since 2019
“One of the things that I really appreciate about ASD and the reason why we switched to using them as our answering service is having grown up in a funeral home, my parents own the funeral home where I work, it’s been interesting to see funeral home technology evolve over the years and certainly over the years the mobile technology has changed. Being able to text families from the ASD Mobile app has been absolutely huge for us. Families can text us photos of our loved ones as well, super helpful. It’s also been really nice to text through the app which uses the funeral home number, so I don’t have to give out my personal number anymore. The delivery of messages through text messaging and the app has been super helpful and super handy. We really appreciate it. Anytime I’ve needed to talk to customer service if I’ve had a question about billing or any of our services, they’ve all been super helpful. I really appreciate the thorough job that they do, by far the best answering service we’ve ever had. I recommend them highly to any funeral home that is looking for an answering service.”
Gary Best of Best Funeral Home in Middlefield, OH
ASD Client Since 2018
“We are in and out all the time and needed a reliable answering service. ASD always has professional operators answering 24 hours a day. The app they have for our phones is an excellent program, always recording calls and getting us the messages as needed.”
Rhonda Stein of Capital Funeral Service in Brooklyn, NY
ASD Client since 2016
“ASD came highly recommended to us a few years ago and we have been pleased customers ever since. ASD represents both of our companies in the manner in which we want projected to our clients. Their customer service is outstanding. They are accommodating and even meet our most challenging situations with efficiency and professionalism. If asked, I would not hesitate to recommend ASD to other funeral homes.”
Jeff Laforest of Cartmell Davis Life Celebration in Plymouth, MA
ASD Client Since 2015
“I think ASD is a great, great company. They are professional, they’re well-trained, they have empathy for our families that call in, they also have the system where we can go back and look at the call at any time, they follow up with us so that we don’t miss anything. I also think that they throw a tremendous cocktail party.”
Would you like to learn more about how ASD can help your funeral home? Contact Craig today to learn about our no-risk Free Trial. We’ll send you all the information you need to get started along with a list of funeral homes we work with in your area. Discover why we are the number one answering service recommended by funeral homes across the United States and Canada.
Related Reading
ASD Client Perspective Videos Series: Part 1
ASD Client Perspective Video Series: Part 2
ASD Client Perspective Videos Series: Part 3
14 Funeral Directors Share Their Favorite ASD Feature
About The Author
Jess Farren (Fowler)
Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at Jess@myASD.com