Jun 15, 2015
The origin of funeral directing in America began with artistry. Furniture builders, woodworkers and other craftsmen were called upon to build coffins for our nation’s fallen after the Civil War. As the death toll began to rise, skilled tradesman, who often worked under the title, “Furniture Maker and Undertaker”, were often needed to measure the deceased, prepare the body for viewing and assist with the burial. It was these artisans that laid the foundation for the funeral profession.
The artistic spirit of our nation’s first undertakers lives on in the creative pursuits of funeral directors today. The delicate art of embalming requires focus, excellent eye-hand coordination and an eye for detail, so it’s no surprise that many funeral professionals are creatively gifted. We were curious what other artistic skills and passions funeral directors possessed, so we reached out to our clients and asked them to share their creative talent with us. The response blew us away.
Each month, ASD will be featuring a different funeral director artist on our blog. This month, we are pleased to share photos from bonsai tree grower and horticulturist, David Fisher, Director of Simplicity Funeral & Cremation Care in Woodridge, IL. David always had an interest in bonsai trees and about two years ago he decided to try out this ancient art for himself. His collection now includes about 20 trees in various stages of training.
Below are a few of the photos David was kind enough to share with us that show the care and attention to detail that go into bonsai tree growing:
A lacerock planting from 3 pines purchased from Home Depot and designed to look as though they are on a mountain ridge.
A common juniper from nursery stock.
Kingsville Boxwoods on a lacerock.
“I have for years wanted to start a bonsai collection, and after a busy streak 2 years ago, I decided I needed a relaxing day,” David says. “It is nice to get outside during the warm summer in Chicago instead of being stuck indoors all day, even if it is only for an hour or two each week.”
Thank you to David for allowing us to to share his artistic talent on ASD’s blog.
Click here to see last month’s Funeral Director Artist spotlight.
Click here to learn how ASD’s solutions for funeral professionals can give you more time to pursue your creative passions.
About The Author
Jess Farren (Fowler)
Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at Jess@myASD.com