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ASD’s Favorite Pastime Series: Teeters’ Funeral Chapel

Jan 31, 2014

Name: Dick Teeter
Funeral Home Name: Teeters’ Funeral Chapel and Teeters Furniture
Location: Hawley, PA
Age: 73
Photo Description: Dick stands next to his 1949 Hudson Commodore Sedan Vehicle at a Hudson Club outing. Dick is active in the International Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club and is the director of the H-E-T Historical Society
Favorite ASD Feature: “My favorite ASD feature is the compassion and patience your operators offer to our clients,” Dick says. “They do a spectacular job for our 165 year old family funeral and furniture firm, now in its 5th generation.”
Favorite Pastime: 4th Generation Funeral Director, Dick Teeter, has a deep love and appreciation for Hudson vehicles, which were made between 1909 until 1957. Dick’s parents drove Hudsons for many years and he also owned one in college. Then, in 1991, Dick said he got the “Hudson bug” again and purchased his 49’ Hudson Sedan with 42,000 miles on it. He has driven it 25,000 miles since then. Dick has also attends Hudson Club events from coast to coast. His longest trip was 1900 miles round trip to Nashville.

Dick standing next to his beloved Hudson Sedan

“I have Hudson friends from all around the world and there are 2 other funeral directors in the club,” Dick says. “The Hudson Club is a family of wonderful, car loving folks.”

Thank you to Dick Teeter for allowing us to feature you in our blog this month.

Click here to see more of our Favorite Pastime Series.

ASD’s “Favorite Pastime” Series:

We would love to share more photos of funeral directors enjoying their favorite pastime. Send us a photo of you engaged in your favorite hobby or activity for us to share and show others what you love to do when you’re not doing outstanding work at your funeral home! Please email all photos or inquiries to

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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