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ASD Employee Spotlight: Bill Davis

May 05, 2016

ASD is pleased to welcome our experienced and dedicated employee, Bill Davis, to our growing Client Solutions Department. Bill joined the ASD team in January 2013 and has demonstrated a very versatile skill set and dependable team player attitude. Before being promoted to Client Solutions Specialist, he worked as an Assistant Supervisor on our Operations team where he developed a strong understanding of ASD’s technology solutions and how to assist our clients with the highest level of customer service. Bill has been a major asset to our Operations and HR departments and now he brings his wealth of experience to ASD’s Client Solutions department. In his new role, Bill will work closely with directors to ensure they understand all the different features and tools ASD offers and are using our service as efficiently as possible. We are proud to feature Bill as this month’s Employee Spotlight.

What are some of your primary responsibilities working in ASD’s Client Solutions Department?

My primary responsibilities include working closely with new clients to ensure their transition to ASD is a smooth one, identifying any issues that could arise potentially before they come to fruition and being a constant point of contact during the onboarding process for new clients.

Why is proactive customer service important for ASD and our clients?

It is vital to continue to provide our customers with the highest level of excellence and respect. We like to view our work here at ASD as an extension of the funeral homes we serve. In many cases, we are the first point of contact for our funeral home’s clients and as such we have a tremendous responsibility to reflect our customer’s standards to their callers.

What are some of your goals while employed at ASD?

I would like to continue to contribute to our growth as a company. I have really enjoyed my work within our Human Resources Department as I have had the opportunity to work with Staffing and Recruiting as well the Training and Development side of things. Human Resource Management was my major at Temple University’s Fox School of Business and I really appreciated the opportunity to put it into practice.

Currently, I couldn’t be happier in my role within the Client Solutions Department. I have cherished the opportunity to get to know the Funeral Directors whom we serve. It has definitely given me a better view of what we do on a macro level. I love introducing our new features and hearing our clients’ excitement when I tell them some of the things ASD can offer to them.

I look forward to furthering my knowledge and sharpening my skillset as my career continues to grow.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

At ASD, we offer a lot of technical features that our competitors do not. The favorite part of my day is when I am introducing a feature to a Funeral Director such as our CareTracker™ System, First Call Connect™, or MobileFH™ and the Funeral Director can’t hide their amazement. It really helps to solidify in my mind that I am working for the right company.

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of ASD?

I’ve just moved into my first house. I’ve been very busy with that lately – painting rooms, refurbishing furniture, and buying odds and ends that I didn’t foresee I would need before moving. Major life events aside, I enjoy reading and listening to music. Most recently, I have read The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. I learned that an infamous serial killer named H.H. Holmes is buried locally (in Delaware County’s Holy Cross Cemetery) in an unmarked grave. As for music, I am really enjoying Weezer’s latest release.

Click here to read last month’s employee spotlight.

Congratulations to Bill on being promoted to our Client Solution’s Department!

About The Author

Jess Farren (Fowler)

Jess Farren (Fowler) is a Public Relations Specialist and Staff Writer who has been a part of the ASD team since 2003. Jess manages ASD’s company blog and has been published in several funeral trade magazines. She has written articles on a variety of subjects including communication, business planning, technology, marketing and funeral trends. You can contact Jess directly at

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